AREA: 70 SQ.M.
Entropy is a spatial intervention aiming to blur the boundaries of a given environment. This immersive experience tries to give access to an ephemeral moment where perceptions are transgressed to offer a disconnection. Entropy is a call for disorientation. It seeks to erase tangible limitations by tracing new architectural perspectives. It generates the idea of creating a space within a space; a micro-environment out of time, hidden within an existing space.
The installation is composed of 30 security fences (metal construction site barriers) – a banal daily product that speaks to the collective memory. The intention is to transpose this unexceptional and unremarkable element into the art space. The very simple geometry of the fences leads to its manipulation
as a module. The installation is realized as a composition of fences offering an unexpected journey through the gallery space. Along the way, projectors create shadows, distorting the physical barriers on the floor and against the walls.
Both the composition and the lightening system partake in disturbing the perceptions by preventing the immediate understanding of the structure. First, the
spatial organization of barriers – with the overlapping assembly forming a mass of tangled mesh— it becomes difficult to discern clearly how the elements are arranged in relation to one another. Secondly, the shadows blur the boundaries of the sculpture by distending, duplicating and multiplying the initial object, preventing the visitor to have a comprehensive vision of the structure.
In order to experience this disconnection and to feel this loss of bearings, the visitor is welcomed to walk along the fences, following the course created by their succession. The visitor is then able to observe the superposition of grids coming together in an infinite perspective, allowing an understanding of the complex volumes created by the spatial organization of the modules.
But more than an experience in space, Entropy tries to understand the relation between the body and its environment by exploring the connection between sound and space. Entropy wishes to develop a reflection around the body and the machine: the fusion between the flesh and the metal. It engages the thoughts in what is called “virtual reality” – in a worldthat is no longer based solely on “being”, but on the “possible”.
On a more conceptual aspect, Entropy is searching for non-existing boundaries, for ways to escape the city and the exterior world into a spatial, auditive and sensorial experience; it seeks to question the usual and the unusual, the functional and the irrational. It wishes to expand time and space, enabling the subject to escape the alienation of any context by guiding them accross this heterotopic structure melted into obscure sounds and isolated noises.