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Laurent Dubuis is a young recently licensed French architect currently relocating to Berlin. In recent years he acted as project architect working on a variety of competitions and projects in the office of Odile Decq in Paris. 


On the last years he has explored the field of experimental architecture, and it has continued throughout his years, which endorse to develop a non-standard architecture, with unique forms, and with a new mode of representation, especially developing a new type of "process" and enable to explore unknown horizons and to form fantastic spaces.


His research in the field includes the fascination of ugliness, adopted as a positive as well as a negative term, but in a speculative and critical approach to the existing system in order to redefine an architecture identity no longer predictable, a language that explores the transgression between the sublime and the grotesque, seeking to expand the relation between artificial environments and human body.






​2013 :                                Architect with professionnal registration: D.E.S.A. H.M.O.N.P (licenced architect)

2012 :                                Master of Architecture (with international distinction) at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA) - Paris - France

2011:                                 Exchange program in DAAP, University of Cincinnati, USA

2010 :                                Bachelor of Architecture at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA) - Paris - France  (Headmaster : Odile DECQ)

2006 - 2007 :                    Design and architecture preparation school at Supcréa -–Grenoble - France

June 2006 :                       High School diploma certificate of science : Baccalauréat S - France




FRENCH :                          Native language

GERMAN :                         Fluent

ENGLISH :                         Fluent (TOEIC : 945 / 990)




Oct 2014 - now :              Freelancer at HYBRID SPACE LAB - Berlin - Germany          

Nov 2012/April 2014 : Working at Studio ODILE DECQ - Paris - France

                                                      •Project leader : Renovation of a **** hotel and creation of a ** gastronomic restaurant and a bistrot du chef,                                                                                                       Uriage les bains, France  – 3 320 Sq.M. 

                                                      •Project leader : Urbanistic study and city planning project in Huningue (under the planning convention of                                                                                                             3LAND (Huningue – Basel – Weil am Rhein) – 31 740 Sq.M.

                                                      •Project leader : Port of Kinmen Passenger Service Center, Kinmen, Taiwan – 43 300 Sq.M.

                                                      •Project leader : Won competition for  a gastronomic restaurant in Moscow – 1 160 Sq.M.

                                                      •Confluence School – Lyon, France – Design Development

                                                      •Competition – City Cultural Center, museum of fine arts and public library, Taichung, Taiwan

                                                      •Competition for Saint Gobain Recherche, offices and laboratories, Aubervilliers, France

                                                      •Competition for a Multimedia library, Carcassonne, France 


Sept 2011/Feb 2012 :     Internship at  X-TU architects - Paris - France

                                                      •Project on invitation for a luxuous hotel with shops and offices – Bordeaux – France

                                                      •International competition on invitation for the realisation of a luxuous hotel complex – Italy

                                                      •Competition 2nd stage for the Museum of fine arts – Reims – France


March/July 2011 :            Internship at LABDORA (Design Office for Research of Architecture) - Peter Macapia - New-York - USA

                                                      •Project « future visions: empire of separation (II) » : reflection on the urbanistic future of Manhattan in 2020

                                                      •Competition « Venice city vision » : compilation of sociologic and historic datas, development of a new                                                                                      urbanistic and architectural approach for the city of Venice – Italy

                                                      •Competition « Boffo » : creation of an exhibition space for fashion designers – New York


Jan/Feb 2010 :                 Internship at Pierre Jorge Gonzalez / Judith Haase - Berlin - Germany

October 2009 :                Workshop at the AA School (Architectural Association) with Ricardo De Ostos - London - UK

June 2009 :                       Workshop at SABK ( Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Kunst ) - Stuttgart - Germany

Jan/Feb 2009 :                 Internship at Atelier d’Architecture Vincent Parreira (AAVP) - Paris - France

October 2008 :                International workshop with Catholic University of America (CUA) at Dominique PERRAULT - Paris - France



Dec 2014 :                        Photography Exhibition at the Dunkel party - St Georges - Berlin

Nov 2014 :                        Project Arable Field: Pavilion at the World Expo - Milan 

                                                        • Honorable Mention for the International Competition AC-CA

Sept 2014 :                        Guest for the Curatorial Practices, Workshop #1 - District, Kunst und Kulturförderung - Berlin

                                                        • Casting Creatures - Towards a materialism of the encounter

August 2014 :                   Coordinator for the music webzine NoizeFreqz & the techno label Dunkel

July 2014 :                         Guest Critic at the master program DIA Dessau International Architecture Graduate School - Dessau 

Mai 2014 :                         Director of an Art project about the relationship between Architecture and Techno Music


Nov 2013 :                         Techno/House Editor for the magazine SeekSickSound (electronic music webzine)

July 2013 :                         Editor of an electronic music page DER LUSCHER

July 2013 :                         Candidate for the RIBA President's Medal - Category Dissertation - London 

                                                        • Subject: Fascination of the Ugliness


Nov 2012:                         Guest Critic at the master program at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture - Paris

July 2011 :                         Forbidden Shadows Project Radical Re-imagination of a partial-total ecology

                                                        • Laureate (3rd prize) of the competition Think Space _ Ecological Borders with the special jury of François                                                                                   Roche (R&Sie) and Eva Franch (Storefront of Art and Architecture) 

June 2011 :                        Guest Critic at the master program at Pratt Institute - New York

2010 :                                 LAB’Z Project - Extention of an architectural school

                                                        • 2nd Prize with the special mention “audacity” of the architecture competition Construir’Acier 2009-2010                                                                                 • Special mention of the 13th competition “Architecture et Structure en acier”

March 2010 :                    Even Flow project - Creation of a stand for the 350th Summer Science exhibition

                                                        • Laureate of the workshop with Marcos Cruz & Marjan Colletti - Paris - France








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